Naturopathic orthopedics is an emerging medical specialty concerned with the restoration, preservation and development of the natural form and function of the extremities, spine and associated structures of the neuromusculoskeletal system by medical and physical methods.
1. Diagnosis
2. Immune enhancement
3. Medical & physical therapies
4. Exercise prescription
5. Prevention
The practice of naturopathic orthopedics includes: a differential diagnosis that logically explains the pathophysiology of affected area and sequelae; an immune enhancement prescription that may include dietary, detoxification and nutriceutical recommendations; medical and physical methods that are integrated for maximum stimulation of tissue repair with an emphasis on restoring optimum cellular architecture; an exercise prescription to facilitate medical treatments. Specialty practitioners may be recommended to assist treatment goals; state-of-the-art medical imaging and laboratory examination methods are to be utilized as needed for the benefit of the patient.