Prolotherapy, PRP, BMAC Stem Cell, and Orthopedic Medicine in Scottsdale, AZ

Our clinic is devoted exclusively to prolotherapy / regenerative orthopedic therapies. Specialized techniques have been pioneered to produce results for joint and spine patients. We have designed a unique and highly specialized method of needle manipulation over the years to produce enhanced results for the different regenerative and biologic treatments. Our doctors pursue up-to-date developments in the fields of orthopedic and sports medicine in the U.S. and Europe.

Having performed tens of thousands of prolotherapy / platelet rich plasma procedures, we have the most experience with orthopedic regenerative treatments in the Southwest.

Fluent in musculoskeletal radiology, we are skilled at reading your MRI, CT & x-ray films (and look for pertinent orthopedic findings not mentioned on the radiology report).


Our office utilizes radiology-grade diagnostic ultrasound machines (not a laptop) for enhanced tissue visualization and precision treatments, making our clinic the first private practice to take advantage of Canon's new ultrasound technology.


With over two decades of experience, our clinic specializes in prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma (PRP), and bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) in Scottsdale, AZ.

We Specialize in Regenerative Orthopedic Therapies




Ankle & Foot




Hip & Knee


Wrist & Hand


Shoulder & Elbow

We Can Help You Live Without Pain

I injured my foot in August 2011 by doing high impact workouts on tile floor. I had severe pain in ball of foot. I seeked medical attention from several Podiatrist and a couple of foot surgeons with no relief. Eventually, a tendon began to give out near my second toe and it lifted up and was crossing over the big toe which was excruciating. I got an MRI and was put in a boot. After months of pain, I heard about Dr. Tallman. Dr. Tallman reviewed my MRI and felt I had torn ligaments and tendons. After three sessions of prolotherapy, I am pain free, toe is no longer up and crossed over and I am back to work and exercising again. He also treated a torn ligament in my wrist with PRP and prolotherapy which has eliminated all the shocking pain and weakness i experienced in the wrist. Dr. David Tallman is a miracle worker in my opinion and he truly cares about his patients. I highly recommend him.
-- Karen, AZ

After many decades of being a hair stylist, I developed a tear in my shoulder. The pain associated became chronic, as my work continued aggravating my condition. The pain became so severe that after a day's work, I lost the ability to move my arm. The pain extended down my arm to my elbow, wrist and hand. After having an MRI, my specialist said I would have to have surgery because my muscle was completely torn. The recovery time for such surgery would be 6-12 months. I was not ready to retire and needed to find another option; That's when I found Dr. Tallman. On my first visit, he gave me PRP injections along with prolotherapy treatment. I gained full motion of my arm and the pain was about 80% resolved. After a second prolotherapy treatment, my pain was completely resolved and my shoulder now feels like new. I've continued to work without any problem. Dr. Tallman, I deeply and sincerely thank you!

-- Sharon V, 64

I suffered from pain caused by plantar fascitis for over six months. I was told I had a heel spur and could only be on my feet around 5 hours a day before having to lay down or at least get off my feet due to the pain.I first saw a podiatrist and a specialist who both only offered stretching exercises and cortisone injections, neither of which helped. My doctor then referred me to a surgeon. Instead of making an appointment with him I found Dr. Tallman. After reviewing my X Rays, he performed prolotherapy . Literally after one treatment and two more days of discomfort I was pain free! One treatment cured more than six months of pain and plenty of aggravation not being able to do most normal activities. Thank You so much Dr. Tallman!
-- Al V, 64

From Day 1, you had my trust and you never let me down ... your knowledge, patience and experience are unprecedented in your field. It was YOU who made a difference in MY life Thanks to you and your fabulous care, l can finally say that I feel GREAT!
-- Kathy, AZ

I just wanted you to know how much we appreciate your services and the impact you had on our well-being. Being able to run again makes me very happy!

-- Paule, AZ

Dr Tallman! Wow. That last treatment was like a miracle in itself. I can't remember the last time I was pain free. Thank you!

-- Valerie, AZ